Portland to Portland

Intentionality in training

I recently finished ‘Grit’ by Angela Duckworth. I have been listening to a series of audible books given the amount of time I’m spending on the treadmill and on my bike. Both lend themselves to committing time to listening to… something. Music has become boring at times. Podcasts and Audible […]

Portland to Portland

Readying the mind and body

Preparing yourself for a 3800-mile bike ride across the country takes time, effort and patience. Not only is it a physical readiness, but also requires a mental readiness. My ride is taking place in August, 2025 — a mere 9 months from now. In reality, I started my preparation in September of 2024 upon […]

Portland to Portland

Doing epic… stuff.

The title should have said ‘shit’, but not sure that would have flown. But it really is epic shit. What is ‘it’? In May of 2024, while surfing the interwebs looking for a leisurely cycling trip on which my husband and I could embark together — he’s not a cyclist, and I’m […]