Month: March 2025

The rupture

In June of 2023 I had a job that had me traveling extensively through the summer. I made my first trip ever to Brazil and met up with a colleague from Australia and we were working together with the team there for roughly almost a week. I had finished my […]

Training Update – March 3-9, 2025

Have decided that I am going to do weekly updates on the training effort for the Trek Portland to Portland ride. Summarizing the most recent week of training seemed the most feasible, appropriate and least boring way to share process. There may be an odd workout here and there that […]

Intentionality in training

I recently finished ‘Grit’ by Angela Duckworth. I have been listening to a series of audible books given the amount of time I’m spending on the treadmill and on my bike. Both lend themselves to committing time to listening to… something. Music has become boring at times. Podcasts and Audible […]

Public Service Announcement from a Cyclist

At the risk of sounding like an embittered older woman, I do need to share and help get the word out that cycling is inherently dangerous – but there are those on the road in cars who increase the level of danger through their behavior. I am fortunate that – […]